Monday, June 3, 2019

Biological Basis of Learning, Memory and Motivation

Biological Basis of discipline, Memory and MotivationHuman beings argon animal. In this world in that respect are lots of animals but human have some special qualities that are why we are the most(prenominal) complex tender structure on earth.We live in society there are overwhelmd family, tribes, clans, nations. We have an incredibly sophisticated method of interacting speech. We provoke communicate everywhere clip and distance through printing and broadcasting. We have longest memories. We have an interaction which is most intricate we have perception which is show the world simultaneously the broadest and most detailed.The combination of our biology and society is making as what we are and what we do. Any kind of responses are stimuli by our biology guides, which is based on thousands of generations of ancestors last because of their responses. On the other hand, our social structures dictate restriction on and alterations in how we carry out our biological responses.As a human being non only I and also all of us have some basic biological work done such as- development, memory, motivation, emotion, perception, etc. Those biological whole shebang helps us to live perfectly in our society. Thats why its very much important to know how biological organs are reign over our major skills, movement and behavior.In this assignment I discuss the major fortunes of biological foundation garment of our larn, memory and motivation which is contributes our behaviors.Biological Basis of Learning-We know that learning is a process of comparatively permanent changes in behavior brought about by experience. Its means that any type of behavior can changes by using learning. Learning is a long term process. All learning process are not show instantly, sometimes it shows long time later. But learning process can run from birth to death.All biological activities are run by the command of principal which is the basic part of our body. In the brain there are som e specific parts of specific organs those are drive our basis activities. Learning process is the analogous activate which is control by brain. Brain has three major organization those are fore brain, mid brain, hind brain. In fore brain there is an important part is cerebrum which is valuable organ in our body. Cerebrum has some fixed exercise such as-Sensory surface area its control somato sensory(a)(prenominal) area, visual area, auditory area those are very important for learning process. Because learning are related this three parts. If one part are not support properly because learning process are back. Visual area is located back side of this area. Auditory area is located pass up side of cerebrum. just about valuable part of this area is visual and auditory because learning is more depend these two parts.Association area association is a very important works for cerebrum that is association other complex work. This area are control our learning, thoughts, memory, et c.Learning related area this area relate the stimulus-stimulus association and stimulus-reactions associations for the brain cover.Others creative work has done this area such as inventive learning, thoughts, work, abstract imagine etc have done this part.Thalamus the part of the brain located in the middle of the central core that acts primarily to relay information about the senses. Especially the eye, ear and skin collected information and carry to brain who distribute those different parts of the body. Thats why learning process are damage if thalamus has damages.Mid Brain it has tactum who involved our auditory and sensory process. In those processes are important for our learning system.Cerebellum it is found just above the medulla and behind the Pons. It is control our bodily balances. So that if this system are flailed then our speech, writing process are hampered. All thought our learning process are also hampered.Limbic system This system is also included our learning.Neu rotransmitters this is most important part of learning because it conveys messages across the synapse to the dendrite (sometimes the cell body) of a receiver neuron. So that if it works lead fail then the process of learning will also fail.Biological Basis of Memory-We know that memory is the process by which we encode, store and retrieve information. This process can explain imagine the keyboard of a computer is a encoding (initial recording of information), then the cpu of computer is a reposition (information saved for future use) and the monitor of computer is the retrieval (recovery of stored information). usually memory can explain this short way memory = learning forgetting. So we say that memory is also run by our biological basis help. Brain is the main tool which provides information. In brain there is a fixed part of memory. Now I describe those-Hippocampus This part helps to storage any information in brain. Thats why it is closely involved to memory. If this part may be destroy then the memory is also destroy.Amygdale Its a part of limbic system, also plays a mapping in memory. The amygdale especially involved with memories involving emotion. facade lobe This area is included motor area and Bocas area which is involved to storage memory.Temporal lobe This area is involved primary auditory area, wernickes area, auditory association area which is strongly related to memory.occipital lobe This area is involved are visual area and visual association area. We know that anything cans easily memories when we see it. So this part is an important to memory.Sensory area This area is overall related the memory process.Association area One of the major regions of the cerebral cerebral mantle. This side is produce higher mental process such as thought, language, memory and speech.Biological Basis of Motivation-Motivation the factors that and energize the behavior of humans and other organizations. Motivation is also internal state or condition to our t houghts, feelings and actions. Basically motivation can crate many regions such as food, money, living good, social standers and etc. But when a human contain a motive that time his/her body create some biological activities thats why they needs motivation. So the reasons for biological basis of motivation are-Hypothalamus This is a sharp part of brain which is strongly involved to motivation.Amygdale This is also change the level of motivation. If it can be surgery then the behavior can changes.Frontal lobe This is also involved motivation of human behavior.Limbic system Memory is also control by limbic system. It is situated under the cerebral cortex .Temporal lobe Temporal lobe is also involved to control motivation.All the dictation of those three basic part of human behavior on the basis of biologically it clearly come that any kind of behaviors are fully depends of our internal process which is called biological process. So it is very important to know the main function of o ur biological organs.The learning, motivation and memory are our basic demand so it is necessary to know which organs is participation on those processes. If we have a overflowing knowledge about those processes then we can develop our self.ReferencesFeldman Understanding Psychology 8th edition McGraw-Hill.Psychology Abu Bokar Siddeky 9th edition Sahitokos, Dhaka.Psychology An Introduction Lahey 9th editionSubmitted by Mir Sara Mehzabeen Ahmed SL- 16 DECP-4 .Biological Basis of Learning, Memory and MotivationBiological Basis of Learning, Memory and Motivation Azharul IslamIntroductionPsychologists have to gather specialized knowledge in considering the shipway in which the biological structure and functions of the body affect behaviour. The biological processes are the essential part of human psychology. Our regarding of human behaviour cannot be complete without knowledge of the brain and others part of the nervous system. Biological factors are centrals to every sensory expe rience, states of consciousness, motivation and emotion, development through out the life bridgework and personal and psychological health and wellbeing.Executive summaryBiological bases influence the learning, memory, and motivation. The biological factors is very important because it is controlling our behaviour .We might not be able to understand behaviour without an understanding of our biological makeup.Objectives of the studyBasically this study aims to1. Collect information on the situation of biological factors of our behaviour. 2. Explore ways how to improve the behavior.3. The function of the neuron is fundamental biological aspects of the body.FindingsBiological basis of learningLearning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behaviour based on experience. Learning is the aspect of new things by using past experience.Many psychologists believe learning is based on the strengthening of the neural connections between stimuli and specific patterns of muscle mov ements, while others said that learning involvoves changes in cognition.The existence of biological constraints is consistent with prize mental discussion of behavior. Freshly there are making suitable by alternative benefits that promote survival for organism that rapidly learn or neglecte that certain behaviors. Such as, our ability to learning avoid touching hot surfaces increase our change in survival (barkow, and tooby 1992 terry, 2003).Neuclei areas are group of neurons forming structures with specific function. For ensample each of the different colour on our brain model represent and individual areas each with it own internal structure and function (Jeanette, J Norden Venderbilt university work and medicine).Telencephalon consists of two cerebral hemispheres the outer covering of the hemespheres is called the cortex. The cortex is responsible for voluntary action or thought and for subjective experience.Mesencephalon contain many small nuclei that are important to relex s, such as reflexs turning of the eyes toward the source of an objects or sound.Metencephalon A structure that connect the cerebellum with the rest of the body and cerebellum that involved in learned skilled motor movement.The role of biological factors of learning has an example that discussed john and his associates. On one fateful evening, they ate eight hot dog. twain hour leter, they become more than just a little nauseated. As a result, it was many year until they ate another hot dog. This experience of learning to dislike hot dogs is an example of a learned taste aversion. (Garcia, Hankins and Rusiniak, 1974)Biological basis of memoryMemory consists in remembering what has previously been learned .It would be better, however, to say that memory consists in learning, retaining and remembering what has previously been learned (psychology Methuen and co. Ltd London 1964.Memory processes are distributed across the brain, relating to different information processing systems invo lve during the intitle exprosure to a stimulus. (Friedman and Donoghue 2000).A theory stated by Canadian researchar Donald Hebb (1949) is still considerd to provide a general model of the biological process responsible for memory (Jeffrey and Reid, 1997 Tsien, 2007). check to Hebb, each experience activates a unique pattern of neurons in the brain. This activities cause structural changes to occur in those neurons near the synaptic gaps that link them. To Hebb, these changes in the surgical procedure of synapses in the brain, which he termed synaptic facilition, is the biological basis of memory.Many different brain areas play a role in memory. The cerebellum plays critical role in the timing execution of learned, skilled motor movement. Nuclei deep in the hemisphere called the basal ganglia are involves in motor programs. Many different areas of the brain contributes to attention, these include cortical areas of the reticular formation, all areas which contributes to alertness at tention awareness.The genus Hippocampus is a part of the brain limbic systems that plays a centrals role in the consolidation of memories.The genus Hippocampus is an older cortical areas involve in multiple aspects of memory. The left hippocampus is more involve in the memory facts, epesodes and words. It is also responsibility for constructing. The right hippocampus is more involve in spatial memory.The hippocampus aims in the initial encoding of information that like akind of neurological e- mail system.(smith, 2000, wheeler, Petersen, and buckner 2000, Wilson 2000).The results of research on the brains role in memory reveal two ways in which STM (short term memory) and LTM (long term memory). Firstly there is extensive evidence that physical changes in neural synapses are involved in LTM and but not in STM. And secondly there is evidence that different brain structures are involves in different ways in the three stage of memory.Biological basis of motivationMotivation-motivation refers to the reasons why any behaviour occurs or specifically, to the forces or processes that initiate the behaviour, direct it , and contribute to its strength.(psychology , wadsworth publishing company 1984Eating behaviour is subject to homeostasis, as most peoples weight stays inwardly a relatively stable range. The hypothalamus in the brain is central to the regulation of food intake. Acting as a kind of internal weight thermostat, the hypothalamus calls for every greater or less food intake (Capaldi, 1996 woods et al, 2000 Berthoud, 2000).Thirst is the biological process as like as drinking circuits .Drinking circuits is the association of tissue, body, and neuron with in nerve and cellus.It is associate with the hypothalamus deeply as like the other drinking circuits. (Thompson et. Al 1980).Sex is the powerful biological motivation. The sex motivations easily understand the influence of sex hormone. It is related with the increase of age. Sex hornmone influence the body to create akind of presser for sex activies. This presser to be continued that time the sex activites is not complete. (Morgan, king. Weisz and schopler, 1993).Most of the motivation are based on the bodys need to maintain a certain level of essential elements adequate sugar in the blood in the nourish cell , enough water in the body. This levels are regulated to homeostatic mechanism. These mechanism imbalance in the body and chevy action that restore the proper balance.ReferencesPsychology Methuen and co. Ltd London 1964Friedman and Donoghue 2000).Smith, 2000, wheeler, Petersen, and buckner 2000, Wilson 2000).Psychology , wadsworth publishing company 1984Capaldi, 1996 woods et al, 2000 Berthoud, 2000).Thompson et. Al1980).Morgan, king. Weisz and schopler, 1993.Barkow, and Tooby 1992 terry, 2003.Garcia, Hankins and Rusiniak, 1974).

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