Sunday, November 24, 2019

Meiji Restoration essays

Meiji Restoration essays The Meiji Restoration was a revolutionary period during which Japan was transformed from a feudal state into a modern state. The opening of Japan's ports to Western colonial fleets showed the weakness of Tokugawa and triggered nationalist movements. In 1867 pro-imperial daimyo suggested that Tokugawa Yoshinobu should give up his place and acknowledge imperial authority. He agreed to step down, but radicals seized his palace on January 3, 1868 and proclaimed restoration under Emperor Meiji. The period when Meiji was restored Japan was a militarily weak country, primarily agricultural, and had little technological development. In an effort to change and strengthen Japan, the revolutionary leaders launched a series of economical and social reforms. Millions of people were suddenly free to choose their occupation and move without restrictions. The government started building railways and shipping lines, telephone and telegraph systems, shipyards, and many consumer industries. The government also introduced a constitution by creating an elected Parliament called the Diet to win the respect of Westerners and generate a good environment for national growth. Japan changed the entire legal system to make Westerns revise the unequal treaties which were signed in 1850s. In 1894 Westerners agreed to revise the treaties and acknowledge Japan as an equal nation. The constitution ended distinctions between classes and made people concentrate in building a new nation. In addition, the government set up new universities and new schools to teach people the modern technology. Meiji hired western teachers to assist in Japanese schools. Students were sent to Europe and the United States to study modern science and technology. Meiji government created a strong military to fight foreigners and capture new territories. It was very essential to have a strong military to stay protected from foreign invasion and show its power to other nations. Japa...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Rapid Colony Transformation of E -Coli with Plasmid DNA Lab Report

Rapid Colony Transformation of E -Coli with Plasmid DNA - Lab Report Example The paper "Rapid Colony Transformation of E -Coli with Plasmid DNA" analyzes E-Coli transformed by plasmid DNA using a rapid method. The transformation method can be categorized into four stages. The first is Pre-incubation stage. The low temperature gels the cell membrane, thereby stabilizing the distribution of charged phosphates and allowing them a more effective shield from the cat ions. The second stage is Incubation. The DNA is added and the cell suspension is kept at 0Â ºC.the cat ions are thought to neutralize negatively charged phosphates in the DNA and the cell membrane. The third stage is Heat Shock. The cell +DNA suspension is briefly incubated at 42Â ºC and then returned to 0Â ºC. The rapid temperature change creates a heat imbalance on either side of the E-Coli membrane and is supposed to create a wave that sweeps plasmids into the cell. The fourth stage is Recovery. LB broth is added to the DNA/cell suspension and incubated at 37Â ºC before being put on plates with different selected antibiotic resistant markers. Transformed cells recover from the treatment, amplify the transformed plasmid and begin to express the antibiotic resistant strain. Samples of E-coli cells are taken from a nutrient agar plate (LB agar) and suspended in two tubes containing a solution of calcium chloride. Plasmid pAMP is added to one cell suspensionBothe the tubes are then incubated at 0Â ºC for 15 minutes. After this a brief heat shock is administered at 42Â º .the samples are cooled and LB broth is added.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health care management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Health care management - Essay Example This paper explores how this new role would affect my personal life, and identifies a number of possible ward problems and possible approaches for tacking these problems are suggested. These include expectations from the team that I should do more hands on work, instead of planning; the problem of interpersonal conflicts, e.g. between nursing and administration teams, and complexity compression. One problem case in particular, that of an underperforming nurse colleague, is examined in more detail using the control (ie checking and quality control) management process. The first challenge that will face me upon taking up this responsible position will be the need for me to make personal adjustments to the new role. It is not easy to suddenly become a person who is held responsible for others in a team, and I anticipate both a high workload and an increase in stress caused by the fact that I will encounter new issues that I have not had to deal with before. It will make sense for me to scale down family and free time commitments as far as possible for the first few months so that I can keep focussed on the job. It would be a good idea to plan a specially rewarding holiday for my first leave period a few months down the line. The transition into the nurse manager role is difficult if one attempts it alone, and yet discussing personal worries or problems with members of the ward team would not help them to trust my judgement. It has been suggested (Belcher, 2006) that it is a good idea for new managers to actively seek out a mentor figure who is not in the same immediate area of work, but who knows the organization and the general demands of the role. This author suggests locating someone with good chemistry, clarifying what the mentor is expected to do, and using that mentor to find out all the ins and outs of the larger organization, including shortcuts to the people who hold key information or who have power in particular areas (Belcher, p. 150-151).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Disadvantages of the Present Jury System Research Paper

Disadvantages of the Present Jury System - Research Paper Example The present jury system has also been found to have the limitation in that; some defendants during trail go for the jury so as to delay to the system (Simon, 1995). Delaying the whole process exert pressure on the Crown Prosecution Service so as to cut down the charge with respect to the defendant persuading guilty. It has also been found that, delaying the process because the defendant choosing jury during trial makes the prosecution witness not to attend the trial. This weakens their follow-ups if they do not appear during the trial, thus increasing chances of acquittal (Simon, 1995). Under the present jury system, if the defendants are taken to remand, they enjoy extra time that the convicted prisoners are not given. For this reason, the time the defendants spend on remand is subtracted from any final sentence in prison. This has the implication that the trial will be put off as much as possible so as to maximize the amount of sentence while living under better conditions. This is the long last ends up wasting a lot of time and money (Simon, 1995).   The power that the present jury system has is also a source of several disadvantages that affect the system. Since any power can be abused, makes it easy for juries coming to court to have individual prejudices and biases thus not guaranteeing fair verdict (Abramson, 2008). Moreover, the fact that the present jury system is composed of laypersons; this brings in the issue of effectiveness during the trial process. When jurors are faced with murder cases, there is a likelihood that they are experiencing such a situation for the first time. There might also be no adequate frame of reference thus affecting the final decision (Abramson, 2008).  

Friday, November 15, 2019

History Of Our Fear Of Aging Philosophy Essay

History Of Our Fear Of Aging Philosophy Essay Abstract The fear of aging and death in America has grown into quite the headache. People today seem more concerned with their physical appearance and age than they are with their physical or mental health. Not only is this a factor, but the media, as well as the commercial sales industry, are taking advantage of this fear and using it to their advantage. This fear grips people for many reasons, but the 2 biggest are: 1.) they are afraid of the unknown, and 2.) they are afraid of being alone. Americas Fear of Aging Many people today are convinced that if they can just lift one more weight or just run one more mile, they will never get old. Even if they dont give in and end up getting cosmetic surgery or spend too much money on expensive anti-aging creams that dont work, there comes a day when its too much effort any longer to keep up the fantasy. What began with simply trying to look pretty has become a never-ending battle to be or to find the next fountain of youth in America. If someone has age spots, theres a cream that for that. If you have stretch marks or cellulite, theres a salve or lotion for that. Dark circles under your eyes? Theres a tonic for that as well. Give it time and Apple will develop an app for all your cosmetic woes! Fears and concerns about growing old are being addressed by those who are growing old. They arent content to sit idly by and let death come swooping in on them. Instead they have become more proactive in the fight against the clock (e.g. participating in more physical activities, sharpening their mental abilities via games, puzzles, being more socially interactive with others, etc.). Our Fear of Aging Americans today are in a constant push to keep up with trends. Buy this new car, try this kind of new weight loss shake, etc. Not only do they push you to buy their product, they also bombard you with reasons why their product is so much better than their Brand X competitor. The biggest culprits: The Cosmetic Industry. The message being broadcast by the cosmetic industry is if theres something you that you dont like, well fix it. Bayer (2004) said that from 1997 to 2001, cosmetic procedures increased 311% for women and 256% for men (p. 9). But why are we so afraid of being perceived as old? I have a rule that I can apply to practically anything in life: Everything is just a matter of perception. much like the dichotomy between good and evil. In a standard story or movie, the good guy perceives his actions as being in the good, but the bad guy also sees his actions to be in the good. And each perceives the others actions to be bad. But how they are perceived is determined not only by them, but by outside sources as well (e.g. the readers of the story, the viewers of the movie, etc.). In America, people are more concerned with the perceptions of others rather than of their own. But since when have we let the views of others govern our self-esteem? Growing old shouldnt be viewed as such a bad thing. In some cultures, being old is viewed in an opposite light. There are cultures in which aging is welcomed, as age signifies wisdom. This is usually accompanied by deep respect, honor, and reverence, which ensures that the elderly are well cared for by family members. This is the goal of people in these cultures; to live long enough to get to this place where they can be revered by the younger people for their knowledge and wisdom. In todays society, old people are laughed at and scoffed at by younger people. Old people have become a punch-line for numerous jokes and stereotypes. Rarely are they looked up to for their wisdom; they arent respected for what theyve done in their lives to be able to have the wisdom and knowledge that they do. Younger people laugh at them because they are afraid of getting old just like them, as well as being afraid of looking as old as them. But what drives this fear? The answer is simple: when we get old, we are afraid that we are more than likely going to end up being alone. As we age, our physical appearance drastically changes. Our hair loses its color, our skin loses elasticity which results in wrinkles, we get liver spots, and the list goes on. Its all centered around how we look, and most people think if they look old, no one will want to be with them. Maybe people are afraid of the inner physical changes that take place. As people age their bodies become more worn out, especially if they havent been very physically active or their diet hasnt been the best in the world. And what else accompanies all these aches and pains? Medications that have a dozen or more side-effects, numerous trips to the doctor for this and that ailment, which it-turn gets you MORE medications. Mark Twain once said Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach 18 (Drye, 2011.) In other words, we worry about losing our looks, our vitality, our strength, or our sexual energies. If what Mark Twain said were made into reality, we would instead be constantly looking forward to gaining these instead of losing them. The years between eighteen and twenty five are considered to be the best years of anyones life. During these years of early adulthood, humans are the strongest physically and sexually than they will be any other time in their life, and reliving those memories only reminds people of this joy (Berger, 2011.) Our Fear of Death Even worse than fearing growing old is fearing what is almost always associated with growing old: death. A theory by Dr. Sigmund Freud states that peoples fear of death was more of a disguise for some other hidden concern (Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, 2011.) Dr. Freud claimed that the unconscious cannot deal with the passing of time and the concept of life ended cannot register in our brain. With the mind being unable to register our own death, Dr. Freud theorized that everyone is convinced he or she is immortal (Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, 2011.)Â   But what about what happens when we die? Nobody truly knows what will happen or where we will end up, and this stirs peoples fear of the unknown. Will we end up in total annihilation (no afterlife, just non-existence), will we be reincarnated and if so what will we be, or will we go to heaven or hell? No one can really know until death happens to them, and by then its too late. People have always feared the unknown, which has been a severe detriment to humanity throughout history. This has also motivated them to look for answers to whatever it is that they dont know. In 1973, Ernest Beck theorized that the fear of death is real. Not only is the fear real, but it is so intense that the fear of death is the reason for all phobias that exist. Beck noted that people only function day to day because they are able to temporarily deny death. (Encyclopedia of Death and Dying, 2011.) Beck has a very good point, though, because practically all phobias involve death. Someone with Arachnophobia is more than likely afraid that a spider will bite them and theyll die. Someone with Hydrophobia may be afraid of dying from drowning. And someone with Kinemortophobia, even though they have probably watched way too many horror movies/ TV shows, is still afraid of dying at the mercy of a zombie attack. It all comes back to being afraid of death. But no matter which fear someone happens to fear the most, theres one thing that will always remain true: aging and death are inevitable. Theres nothing anyone can do to avoid them and theres nothing that can be done to stop or even slow the progression of either one. So you could ask yourself, If aging and death are going to happen whether I like it or not, should I be afraid all the time? Therapists usually tell people with major phobia issues that in order to conquer their fears, they must first face them. Facing this kind of fear would probably involve more understanding of the reality of the situation than anything else. Conclusion William Alexander Stiling once said Of all things that are feared, the last is death (Lockyer, 1969, p.209.) Aging and death are both facts of life, and theres nothing we can do about it. Changing your appearance in an attempt to look younger may help you hold on to your self-perception of youthfulness, but it wont have any effect on biological progression. The best therapy for this would be to just accept that aging and death will happen. Dont try to fight it; dont try to hide from it. Embrace the fact that theyre inevitable and prepare yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nuclear Waste Management position at Ontario

As a second year student at the University of Toronto, majoring in Environmental Science, I am excited to be applying to the Ontario Power Generation. This is an excellent opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills while gaining practical work experience and further understanding the science behind it. I believe that I would be a great fit given my background, thirst for experience, and never-ending enthusiasm, and I would appreciate the opportunity to contribute this company. Throughout my schooling, as a science student, I have had a great deal of practice in the raw technical skills needed in data management and handing dangerous materials. Laboratories hold a strict code of conduct for safety procedures, and expect quick and efficient work with little error. This has given me acute attention to detail, even with a time limit. My time spent in laboratories has also forced me to gain good understanding of Microsoft office suite and statistics, as many of the reports require manipulation and interpretation of mass amounts of data. Cooperation is also a necessary skill I have perfected in laboratories, as many are performed in pairs; however I also retain the ability to perform alone effectively, and complete my work independently. Also, as a science student, I have a good background understanding of the concepts behind nuclear waste management. In addition to a chemistry, physics, and the three main principles of concentrate and contain, dilute and disperse, and delay and decay, I also understand cultural perspectives and challenges of this field. Throughout my career I have been heavily involved in the community, which has given me a strong work ethic, and excellent interpersonal skills I own today . In High School, I was a part-time cashier, in a fast-paced environment , and in direct interaction with customers . Through this I developed the professionalism and customer service initiative needed to excel in a service job, as well as acute problem solving skills for everything from computer issues to customer complaints, and an efficient work ethic. Perhaps my favourite, and most rewarding experience, however has been my volunteer time at Habitat for Humanity. It was an opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone , and though the work was difficult at first, I kept with it, and was greatly rewarded . I have since maintained a proactive, hands-on, and enthusiastic attitude in all areas of my life, especially when facing new challenges. Both opportunities have also allowed me to understand, and seek that balance between hard work, and efficiency, while also reaping the benefits of teamwork, and companionship with one’s coworkers. I sincerely believe that my skill set and background would be an asset to Ontario Power Generation, and my enthusiasm and teamwork would fit perfectly in the fabric of this company. Thank you for your time and consideration, and I look forward to meeting you and discussing how I can become a part of the OPG team.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Plot Analysis for “A Rose for Emily”

Plot analysis of â€Å"A Rose For Emily† William Faulkner’s, â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is a story with a southern gothic style. The tragic story is told to readers through an anonymous narrator that speaks on behalf of the town’s people, but is not close to Emily, the protagonist, personally. This narration helps sustain a level of curiosity about Emily since readers cannot gain personal insight into her life and psyche. It is commonly expressed that the two things of certainty in life are death and taxes, death being one of the main themes that runs throughout the story.There is a time when Emily seems to be above human certainty in the way of taxes. This aversion to one certainty seems to amplify the other in her life, because the rest of the story contains nothing but death; the death of people, beauty, ideals, everything that once guarded Emily from the rest of the world. Even though it is in vain, the protagonist’s motivation behind everything sh e does is to make time stand still, thus trying to avoid the other human certainty, death.As a result of the story beginning with Emily’s funeral, readers are introduced to Miss Emily’s struggle with her antagonist, time, through the setting she lives in. Miss Emily represents a bi-gone era, one that she veils her life of seclusion in, refusing to face the passage of time around her. Her house is in a state of decay just like her body, both marking their loss to time. It was a house that, â€Å"had once been white, decorated with cupolas and spires and scrolled balconies†¦set on what had once been our most select street†(91).The house’s description seems to mimic Emily’s life because at one time she is described as a, â€Å"slender figure in white†(93) and it is said that â€Å"None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily†(93). It’s as if the house’s once desirable location imitates Emily’s one time desirability among suitors. This symbolism is used again when the house is described as, â€Å"lifting it’s stubborn and coquettish decay above the cotton wagons and the gasoline pumps†(91). The house is more of an out-of-date nuisance than an object of admiration, as Emily herself was before her death.Faulkner’s use of the word coquette, points to his intention for readers to see the symbolism of Emily’s and the house’s battle with time, because a coquette is a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the admiration of men. Since Emily at one time had the admiration of men, she continues to behave as if time has not taken a toll on her desirable appearance before men, thus making her act as if she is still above their law. The town’s mayor, Colonel Sartoris, promotes this thinking by remitting Emily’s taxes after her father’s death.The colonel spins a tale to explain, saying that the tax remittance is to pay back her father for money he loaned the town. A story no one believes according to the author, except a woman. The author says, â€Å"When the next generation, with its more modern ideas, became mayors and aldermen, this arrangement created some little dissatisfaction†(91). When the new mayor personally writes Emily to inform her she must pay taxes like the rest of the community, the author describes Emily’s reply as representing the forgotten past.The story says the mayor, â€Å"received in reply a note on paper of an archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at all. The tax notice was also enclosed, without comment†(91). Emily does everything as if no time has passed. As a result of Emily realizing she cannot stop time, she chooses to shut out the passage of time in the world around her, by living a secluded life. The narrator says, â€Å"After her father’s death she went out very little; aft er her sweetheart went away, people hardly saw her at all†(92).It’s at this time that the narrator informs readers about a strange smell emanating from Emily’s house, a smell that the passage of time produces to betray her. Because Emily represents a time where people are limited by the role of class and gender in society, this limiting mind-set is what the towns people use as an excuse for the troubling smell. The author says, â€Å"the only sign of life about the place was the Negro man-a young man then-going in and out with a market basket. â€Å"Just as if a man-any man-could keep a kitchen properly,† the ladies said; so they were not surprised when the smell developed†(92).This same limiting mindset re-emerges when the Aldermen of the town meet to discuss a solution to the rising complaint of the gross smell. When the young man in the group of Aldermen, who represents the rising generation, suggests what he believes to be a simple solution of c onfronting Emily about the smell, he is quickly rebuked. The judge cuts him off by saying, â€Å"Dammit sir,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad† (93)? Similar to Emily, the older men restrict their decisions based on tradition, thus denying the evidence that time produced to bring her to justice.In the end, it is the passage of time that plays the role of Emily’s antagonist. Despite her efforts of seclusion and refusal to change, time has its way with Emily and everything she clings to. One passage refers to a gold chain she wears with the end tucked in her waist; on the end of the chain is a watch. Emily carries her antagonist with her as if she believes its closeness will keep it from sneaking up on her; as if her own stubborn will set beside it, could stop the cursed mechanism from ticking forth its unpleasant reminder.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Battle of Wauhatchie in the Civil War

Battle of Wauhatchie in the Civil War fBattle of Wauhatchie - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Wauhatchie was fought October 28-29, 1863, during the American Civil War (1861-1865).   Armies Commanders: Union Major General Joseph HookerBrigadier General John W. Geary3 divisions Confederate Lieutenant General James Longstreet1 division Battle of Wauhatchie - Background: Following the defeat at the Battle of Chickamauga, the Army of the Cumberland retreated north to Chattanooga.  There Major General William S. Rosecrans and his command were besieged by General Braxton Braggs Army of Tennessee.  With the situation deteriorating, the Union XI and XII Corps were detached from the Army of the Potomac in Virginia and sent west under the leadership of Major General Joseph Hooker.  In addition, Major General Ulysses S. Grant received orders to come east from Vicksburg with part of his army and assume command over all Union troops around Chattanooga.  Overseeing the newly-created Military Division of the Mississippi, Grant relieved Rosecrans and replaced him with Major General George H. Thomas.   Battle of Wauhatchie - Cracker Line: Assessing the situation, Grant implemented a plan devised by Brigadier General William F. Baldy Smith for reopening a supply line to Chattanooga.  Dubbed the Cracker Line, this called for Union supply boats to land cargo at Kelleys Ferry on the Tennessee River.  It would then move east to Wauhatchie Station and up Lookout Valley to Browns Ferry.  From there goods would re-cross the river and move over Moccasin Point to Chattanooga.  To secure this route, Smith would establish a bridgehead at Browns Ferry while Hooker moved overland from Bridgeport to the west (Map).   Though Bragg was unaware of the Union plan, he directed Lieutenant General James Longstreet, whose men held the Confederate left, to occupy Lookout Valley.  This directive was ignored by Longstreet whose men remained on Lookout Mountain to the east.  Before dawn on October 27, Smith successfully secured Browns Ferry with two brigades led by Brigadier Generals William B. Hazen and John B. Turchin.  Alerted to their arrival, Colonel William B. Oates of the 15th Alabama attempted a counterattack but was unable to dislodge the Union troops.  Advancing with three divisions from his command, Hooker reached Lookout Valley on October 28.  Their arrival surprised Bragg and Longstreet who were having a conference on Lookout Mountain.  Ã‚   Battle of Wauhatchie - The Confederate Plan: Reaching Wauhatchie Station on the Nashville Chattanooga Railroad, Hooker detached Brigadier General John W. Gearys division and proceeded north to encamp at Browns Ferry.  Due to a shortage of rolling stock, Gearys division had been reduced by a brigade and was only supported by the four guns of Knaps Battery (Battery E, Pennsylvania Light Artillery).  Recognizing the threat posed by Union forces in the valley, Bragg directed Longstreet to attack.  After assessing the Hookers deployments, Longstreet determined to move against Gearys isolated force at Wauhatchie.  To accomplish this, he ordered Brigadier General Micah Jenkins division to strike after dark.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Moving out, Jenkins sent the brigades of Brigadier Generals Evander Law and Jerome Robertson to occupy high ground south of Browns Ferry.  This force was tasked with preventing Hooker from marching south to aid Geary.  To the south, Brigadier General Henry Bennings brigade of Georgians was directed to hold a bridge over Lookout Creek and act as a reserve force.  For the assault against the Union position at Wauhatchie, Jenkins assigned Colonel John Brattons brigade of South Carolinians.  At Wauhatchie, Geary, concerned about being isolated, posted Knaps Battery on a small knoll and ordered his men to sleep with their weapons at hand.  The 29th Pennsylvania from Colonel George Cobhams brigade provided pickets for the entire division. Battle of Wauhatchie - First Contact: Around 10:30 PM, the lead elements of Brattons brigade engaged the Union pickets.  Approaching Wauhatchie, Bratton ordered the Palmetto Sharpshooters to move east of the railroad embankment in an attempt to flank Gearys line.  The 2nd, 1st, and 5th South Carolinas extended the Confederate line west of the tracks.  These movements took time in the darkness and it was not until 12:30 AM that Bratton commenced his assault.  Slowing the enemy, the pickets from the 29th Pennsylvania bought Geary time to form his lines.  While the 149th and 78th New Yorks from Brigadier General George S. Greenes brigade took a position along the railroad embankment facing east, Cobhams remaining two regiments, the 111th and 109th Pennsylvanias, extended the line west from the tracks (Map).  Ã‚   Battle of Wauhatchie - Fighting in the Dark: Attacking, the 2nd South Carolina quickly sustained heavy losses from both the Union infantry and Knaps Battery.  Hampered by the darkness, both sides were often reduced firing at the muzzle flashes of the enemy.  Finding some success on the right, Bratton attempted to slip the 5th South Carolina around Gearys flank.  This movement was blocked by the arrival of Colonel David Irelands 137th New York.  While pushing this regiment forward, Greene fell wounded when a bullet shattered his jaw.  As a result, Ireland assumed command of the brigade.  Seeking to press his attack against the Union center, Bratton slid the battered 2nd South Carolina to the left and threw forward the 6th South Carolina.   In addition, Colonel Martin Garys Hampton Legion was ordered to the far Confederate right.  This caused the 137th New York to refuse its left to prevent being flanked.  Support for the New Yorkers soon arrived as the 29th Pennsylvania, having re-formed from picket duty, took a position on their left.  As the infantry adjusted to each Confederate thrust, Knaps Battery took heavy casualties.  As the battle progressed both battery commander Captain Charles Atwell and Lieutenant Edward Geary, the generals eldest son, fell dead.  Hearing the fighting to the south, Hooker mobilized the XI Corps divisions of Brigadier Generals Adolph von Steinwehr and Carl Schurz.  Moving out, Colonel Orland Smiths brigade from von Steinwehrs division soon came under fire from Law.   Veering east, Smith began a series of assaults on Law and Robertson.  Drawing in Union troops, this engagement saw the Confederates hold their position on the heights.  Having repulsed Smith several times, Law received erroneous intelligence and ordered both brigades to withdraw.  As they departed, Smiths men attacked again and overran their position.  At Wauhatchie, Gearys men were running low on ammunition as Bratton prepared another assault.  Before this moved forward, Bratton received word that Law had withdrawn and that Union reinforcements were approaching.  Unable to maintain his position in these circumstances, he repositioned the 6th South Carolina and Palmetto Sharpshooters to cover his withdraw and began retreating from the field. Battle of Wauhatchie - Aftermath:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the fighting at the Battle of Wauhatchie, Union forces sustained 78 killed, 327 wounded, and 15 missing while Confederate losses numbered 34 killed, 305 wounded, and 69 missing.  One of the few Civil War battles fought entirely at night, the engagement saw the Confederates fail to close the Cracker Line to Chattanooga.  Over the coming days, supplies began to flow to the Army of the Cumberland.  Following the battle, a rumor circulated that Union mules had been stampeded during the battle leading the enemy to believe that they were being attacked by cavalry and ultimately their causing their retreat.  Though a stampede may have occurred, it was not the cause of the Confederate withdrawal.  Over the next month, Union strength grew and in late November Grant commenced the Battle of Chattanooga which drove Bragg from the area. Selected Sources Civil War Trust: Battle of WauhatchieCWSAC Battle Summaries: Battle WauhatchieHistory of War: Battle of Wauhatchie

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Philosophy And Our Life Essays - Thought, Belief, Humanities

Philosophy And Our Life Essays - Thought, Belief, Humanities Philosophy And Our Life Philosophy Philosophy is an all-important aspect of our lives. It is philosophy that we turn to when have the need to seek out a guiding principle for our lives. Therefore, philosophy holds a prominent place in society and in the world. Basically, everyone is a philosopher, but it takes the creative genius and reasoning of brilliant thinkers to bring about world-shattering concepts. Nevertheless, the common man also ruminates about his life and his unique existence to try to find the meaning of his life. Over a life time, a constitution or a theme is developed to discern the ideas that one can readily accept. Interestingly, the philosophies of men separated by vast chasms of time and space all embrace upon a common theme of life. This theme is so broad as to encompass everyone's ideas and beliefs and allows for future inclusions. When a person finds another who shares the same ideas, then he bonds with him in solace. Yet when a group shares the same ideas, then dangerous factions could erupt. One idea that is not clear between the belligerent parties is that all the ideas are right, none is wrong so long as the belief is strong. Philosophy is here to unify us into common causes, not to pit us against one another. What one believes is sacred and my own beliefs, I cherish dearly. In this aspect, philosophy allows us to live our lives with confidence, because we know that ideas cannot be taken from us. In the United States, we can feel free to express our opinions and beliefs as long as we do not impinge upon other's rights. This is where a common philosophy has been accepted and adopted by a people. This macrocosmic unity of a nation demonstrates the power of philosophy. In another area, philosophy is vital: religion. Religions are perhaps the largest groups of people who share a common philosophy. Their unifor m beliefs cause the members of each religion to philosophize in a common theme in which the religion does not allow any radical deviation. One of philosophy's most important aspects is its flexibility. This flexibility allows the individual to endlessly engender new thoughts and theories. It was this flexibility that encouraged great thinkers to expound their ideas. It is dubious that their ideas can change others', but in each stage of transition and growth there is an opportunity for new philosophies to come in and help us live our lives better. Philosophy grants us the chance to live a fulfilled life, full of actions and thoughts true to ourselves. We find enlightenment in philosophy, from ourselves and others. There is always an inenarrable satisfaction when a new idea comes to us. Such is the excitement in discovery that Ren Descartes even went so far as to proclaim, I think, therefore I am. Philosophy is truly unique in all its ways. Since the very first moment when man recognizes that he is able to think and engender innovative ideas, man has never ceased to think, to ponder, to ruminate. Man considers himself unique for his unparalleled ability to conceive new thoughts, revise old ones, and live in harmony with the present ones. This sort of view typified man's inveterate belief that he is not just a mere animal but rather a being that has been able to transcend his former bestiality on to a higher plateau of reasoning. On this plateau is an endless plain that stretches beyond comprehension. It is on this plain that all of us grope, find new thoughts, reject them, discover our own, add new ones, and finally, settle with a concept true to our constitution. The ubiquitous nature of philosophy demonstrates that all men, of contrasting backgrounds, need and cling on to philosophy. Man cherishes his own philosophy because it is something that is close to his heart and out of reach. He needs a philosophy in order for him to live. The cumilative philosophical thoughts of the ages and the ideas of today mix to form a amalgam of ideas which forms the basis of his philosophy and guides him in all his actions in life.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Finance academic activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Finance academic activity - Essay Example prices of the stocks, there should be also be subsequent changes in the earnings of the company to mark this change in the dividend payout (Chen, 2005). There should also be a revision in the expectations of the market in regards to future earnings that is in the same direction as the change in anticipated dividends. This can be observed in companies across the globe especially in developed markets such as Europe and North America. In this case the earnings of the company can be termed as the average cumulative abnormal return and there will be various samples that will be used for this test. There was a change in the performance in the company after the announcement of the changes in the dividend policy. It was clear that companies that reported an anticipated increase in their dividends reported a return a positive change in their earnings for that year. On the other hand, companies that reported a decrease in their dividends reported lower earnings in that particular year. This can be due to the fact that there was a motivation for the company stakeholders to increase the business operations of the firm as they believe that they are the ones who will benefit from this. Dividend policy may have a predictive power on the future of businesses and these changes have to be closely monitored. Using the stated methods, there has been no relationship that has been established between the dividends and changes in the earnings. Changes in the dividends were not found to have any information about the future one and two year earnings growth.This was tested in a number of samples to try and see if there was a relationship in the dividends and the first and second year earnings. For predictions of the earning in the 1st year, the coefficients in the changes of the dividend were only significant at the 10% level in only about 10% of the sample population. In the earnings of the second year, there was only a slight improvement in the significant level of the coefficients

Friday, November 1, 2019

U.S. Consumer Wages, Income, Wealth and Savings Research Paper

U.S. Consumer Wages, Income, Wealth and Savings - Research Paper Example Wealth is the value of all assets owned by a person, household or nation net of all liabilities owed at a given point. Wealth can be in the form of real estate, businesses, liquid assets, money market funds, stocks, bonds and other securities. However, having great wealth is not an indication of great intelligence. A person, community or country is said to be wealthy if they posses more assets than liabilities (Wolff2 34). People often believe that it is not possible to accumulate wealth unless your earning is high. But in fact it is possible to create wealth on low income and not to have wealth despite a high income. The following are key ways of accumulating wealth (Marquis 14): Avoiding Debts In order to create more wealth one needs to have a net surplus each month. But when one borrows, he or she essentially uses his or her next month’s income to pay for this month’s expenses. Therefore, in order to get wealthy you must first clear your debts because once you are debt free, you can accumulate wealth. Diversification By putting all your shares in one company or even a single sector, you are likely to lose everything you have accumulated incase something goes wrong in that sector. Diversification makes it possible for individuals to have more than one source of income, and so they can have more wealth. Therefore to become wealthy, one must diversify across all categories of investment. Retirement funds It is very hard to work at an older age and make more wealth. Therefore to continue accumulating more wealth, one can save for his or her old age. Another ways of saving for pension is to open an individual retirement or a personal pension account. These may vary in rule but may come in tax breaks which will be a valuable boost for the funds. Emergency saving One should build up emergency savings to cover for any emergencies that may crop up in future. Even th e most prosperous people can hit a bad spell of bad luck such as illness or loss of a job and become in need of money. Therefore, to prepare for these cases one should aside some money that he or she can easily access. Monitoring your investments By monitoring your investments you are in a better place to recognize any losses that are likely to arise from the business you are engaged in. People who lose money that they have invested are those who do not monitor their investments but instead adopt an unthinkingly attitude to their portfolios. Consumer Wages and Income Income is the term that is used to describe the flow of money over a specific period and it is in the form of rates. Income is what people get through work, social welfare and retirement benefits. The United States Bureau of Census defines income as what an individual receives â€Å"on a regular basis before payments for personal income taxes, social security, union dues and medicare deductions†. Some of the fact ors affecting income levels in the US include: profession, education, wealth and race (Ryu and Slottje 67). Most Americans derive their incomes from their jobs. Professional earnings are normally determined by the law of supply and demand. Some professional specialties are normally in high demand but in low supply, thus making their income levels to be high. The complexity of a certain profession also determines the income for an individual. For instance, people who are involved in high-level complex Over the last three years, consumer price wages have had to deal with the issue of inflation, which